Getting Started with KV260
This document explains how to build, deploy, and boot the Cassini distro on Xilinx KV260 Platform.
Building KV260 Images
When building on main
branch, the preparation script:
must be executed before attempting the following steps. This script
pins the SHAs for layers involved in KV260 build according to the
TRS manifest to follow the same update pace as meta-trustedsubstrate.
This script needs defusedxml
Python library to be installed.
The provided kas configuration files: kas/kv260-psa.yml
and kas/kv260-edk2.yml
can be used to build images which target KV260 using U-Boot or EDK-II as BL33 respectively.
To build an image with default options using U-Boot:
kas build --update kas/cassini.yml:kas/kv260-psa.yml
or using EDK-II:
kas build --update kas/cassini.yml:kas/kv260-edk2.yml
Both builds will produce the firmware images here:
And a Cassini distribution image here:
For other build options, refer to Build System
Flashing the Firmware
Connect KV260 Ethernet port to the host machine
Power up the device while holding FWUEN button
In a browser, visit:
, this will open Xilinx tool for flashing the firmwareUpload ImageA.bin and ImageB.bin
Reset the device
The ethernet port on the host machine must be configured to have an IP address on the same network as
. For example:
IP address:
Subnet mask:
Flashing the Distro Image
Insert the SD card into the host machine
Check if the SD card is seen by the host machine via
This will output, for example:
NAME MAJ:MIN RM SIZE RO TYPE MOUNTPOINT <sd card> 179:0 0 16G 0 disk ├─p1 179:1 0 256M 0 part └─p2 179:2 0 512M 0 part
Flash the image onto the SD card using
sudo bmaptool copy --bmap cassini-image-base-zynqmp-kria-starter-psa.rootfs.wic.bmap cassini-image-base-zynqmp-kria-starter-psa.rootfs.wic.gz /dev/<sd card>
Eject the SD card from the host machine, and insert it into KV260
Connecting to the serial port
Connect a cable between the USB port of the host machine and the micro-USB port of KV260 and then power on the device.
Check for new TTY USB devices detected by the host machine, via:
ls /dev/ttyUSB*
This will output, for example:
/dev/ttyUSB0 /dev/ttyUSB1 /dev/ttyUSB2 /dev/ttyUSB3
is used for logs of both secure and non-secure sides.PMU uses one of the other ports, while the rest are not used at the moment.
Connect to the serial console using any terminal client (picocom, minicom, or screen should all work).
sudo picocom -b 115200 /dev/ttyUSB1