GitLab pipeline
A brief overview of GitLab pipeline
Parent pipeline
This pipeline is responsible for setup, configuring tools in the Docker images, and performing static analysis (Code Quality, Danger-Review, secret detection, and container scanning).
Build the Docker images required for the project (For example debian-buster OS) for different architectures and push them to the registry. This involves IDT Greengrass, LAVA and Utility Docker (arm64, x86_64) images.
Pull the generated Docker images and config and create a manifest for LAVA and Utility usage.
Run danger-bot for reviewing and report issues early.
Regenerate the changelog when the project version number is changed.
Setup stage to ensure all the configurations have a valid yaml file.
Merge all the jobs into one file which defines each stage of the child pipeline.
Build the documentation.
Create a child pipeline.
Collate-results from child pipeline.
Detect any secrets present in the codebase.
Test the code quality using Code climate plugin.
Generate code quality report using Code climate plugin.
Run Gitlab semgrep analyzer.
Creating the release and notes.
Child pipeline
This pipeline is responsible to build cassini distro images, setup, submit and report back results from the LAVA test framework perform.
Update external repositories that are required for Cassini distribution.
Extract the required FVP version details from the codebase.
Image build for all supported platforms depending on rules or changes to the codebase.
Check if Cassini distro is compatible with layers definitions, this is based on each platform and multiple layers included in the distro.
Install the required FVP in a Docker image.
Prepare the built Cassini distro images for LAVA test framework.
Submit jobs to the LAVA test framework.
Wait for event from LAVA test framework for completion and return to parent pipeline
Clean the sstate cache and download directory which is older than specific number of days.