Known Issues or Limitations
All platforms
Cassini will no longer support parsec-service in future releases.
Due to limited performance, characters may be dropped if too much data is sent too quickly. Consider inserting delays between characters if sending files or large buffers.
Due to the limited performance, K3s is not currently supported.
Corstone-1000 FVP
RsaPkcs1v15Crypt operations do not work properly due to the limited support in crypto-cell drivers
KV260 with EDK-II
Data abort faults are encountered when using UEFI memory allocation boot services
Known Test Failures
All platforms
The following tests are expected to fail:
AWS Greengrass IoT Device Tester
GGV2Q cloudcomponent and mqttpubsub fail a SignatureException on the device under test
GGV2Q lambdadeployment randomly fails to deploy the test component
The following tests are expected to fail:
AWS Greengrass IoT Device Tester
GGV2Q docker tests time out while trying to create a deployment on the device
The following are failures which are known to occur with the latest release of the Corstone-1000 platform software from meta-arm (CORSTONE1000-2024.11). See Test Report for CORSTONE1000-2024.11.
ACS BSA tests:
Check Arch symmetry across PE
Check for AdvSIMD and FP support
Check PE 4KB Granule Support
Check Cryptographic extensions
Check Little Endian support
Check EL1 and EL0 implementation
Check for PMU and PMU counters
Check PMU Overflow signal
Check num of Breakpoints and type
Check Synchronous Watchpoints
Check CRC32 instruction support
Memory mapped timer check
Generate Mem Mapped SYS Timer Intr
Wake from System Timer Int
ACS EBBR tests:
UEFI Compliant - Hii protocols must be implemented
UEFI Compliant - DECOMPRESS protocol must exist
BS.ConnectController - InterfaceTestCheckpoint14 (4643E80E-A6BF-412C-B4FF-9629282BC831)
BS.ConnectController - InterfaceTestCheckpoint14 (25CFFDF5-D252-4515-AF8F-D8DB68F022C3)
BS.ConnectController - InterfaceTestCheckpoint14 (555913E8-BA56-4C68-80B5-A96B8A3AFCB1)
BS.GetNextMonotonicCount - high 32 bit increase by 1 (F48D1C2D-1EBA-4E4C-A16D-748A01ABE6C1)
BS.GetNextMonotonicCount - high 32 bit increase by 1 (E8B96EA0-6413-4947-AD1A-31EEF868A372)
BS.GetNextMonotonicCount - high 32 bit increase by 1 (0EC16C83-177D-461A-9622-42508C99D966)
RT.QueryVariableInfo - With Attributes being 0
RT.QueryVariableInfo - With being an invalid combination
RT.SetTime - Verify daylight after change
RT.SetTime - Verify time zone after change
RT.SetTime - Verify year after change
RT.SetTime - Verify month after change
RT.SetTime - Verify time zone after change
ACS SCT Tests:
HII_DATABASE_PROTOCOL.ExportPackageLists - ExportPackageLists() returns EFI_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL with BufferSize indicates the buffer is too small
HII_DATABASE_PROTOCOL.NewPackageList - NewPackageList() returns EFI_SUCCESS with valid inputs.
Corstone-1000 FVP
The following tests are expected to fail:
PARSEC simple E2E tests
Decrypt operations fail with PsaErrorHardwareFailure when using psa-security
Greengrass tests
Provisioning fails due to the RSA limitation. Hence, all IDT tests are expected to fail except for dependency and version checks.
KV260 with U-Boot
The following tests are expected to fail:
ACS BSA tests:
Check Arch symmetry across PE
Check for AdvSIMD and FP support
Check PE 4KB Granule Support
Check Cryptographic extensions
Check Little Endian support
Check EL1 and EL0 implementation
Check for PMU and PMU counters
Check num of Breakpoints and type
Check Synchronous Watchpoints
Check CRC32 instruction support
SYS Timer if PE Timer not ON
Check Arm BSA UART register offsets
16550 compatible UART
ACS EBBR tests:
Same failures for Corstone-1000, along with the following:
BS.ExitBootServices - ConsistencyTestCheckpoint1
RT.SetVariable - Non-volatile variable after system reset
RT.UpdateCapsule - invoke UpdateCapsule with invalid ScatterGatherList
RT.UpdateCapsule - invoke UpdateCapsule with invalid Flags
RT.UpdateCapsule - invoke UpdateCapsule with invalid Flags
KV260 with EDK-II
The following tests are expected to fail:
ACS is expected to fail during memory allocation tests.