Getting Started with Arm Corstone-1000 for MPS3

This document explains how to build, deploy, and boot the Cassini distro on the Arm Corstone-1000 for MPS3.

NOTE: Requires a micro SD card (at least 4 GB) and a USB drive (at least 16 GB)


Due to performance limitations, K3S is not currently supported on the Arm Corstone-1000 for MPS3.


The kas configuration file meta-cassini-config/kas/corstone1000-mps3.yml can be used to build images which target the Corstone-1000 for MPS3.

Building MPS3 images

To build Corstone-1000 MPS3 images:

kas build --update meta-cassini-config/kas/cassini.yml:meta-cassini-config/kas/corstone1000-mps3.yml

This will produce a Corstone-1000 firmware image here:


And a Cassini distribution image here:



Prepare the firmware image for FPGA (Micro SD card)

The user should download the FPGA bit file image from this link and under the section AN550: Arm® Corstone™-1000 for MPS3 Version 2.0.

Only copy the current directory structure shown below on to the Micro SD Card.

├── HBI0309B
│   ├── AN550
│   │   ├── AN550_v2.bit
│   │   ├── an550_v2.txt
│   │   └── images.txt
│   ├── board.txt
│   └── mbb_v210.ebf
└── HBI0309C
    ├── AN550
    │   ├── AN550_v2.bit
    │   ├── an550_v2.txt
    │   └── images.txt
    ├── board.txt
    └── mbb_v210.ebf
├── an550_st.axf
├── bl1.bin
├── cs1000.bin
└── ES0.bin

To configure the board to boot automatically when powered on, edit ./config.txt and change the value of AUTORUN from FALSE to TRUE.

Depending upon the MPS3 board version (printed on the MPS3 board HBI0309B or HBI0309C) you should update the ./AN550/images.txt file so that the file points to the images under SOFTWARE directory.

Here is an example

;       Preload port mapping                    *
;  PORT 0 & ADDRESS: 0x00_0000_0000 QSPI Flash (XNVM) (32MB)
;  PORT 0 & ADDRESS: 0x00_8000_0000 OCVM (DDR4 2GB)
;  PORT 1        Secure Enclave (M0+) ROM (64KB)
;  PORT 2        External System 0 (M3) Code RAM (256KB)
;  PORT 3        Secure Enclave OTP memory (8KB)
;  PORT 4        CVM (4MB)

TOTALIMAGES: 3      ;Number of Images (Max: 32)

IMAGE0ADDRESS: 0x00_0000_0000

IMAGE1ADDRESS: 0x00_0000_0000

IMAGE2ADDRESS: 0x00_0000_0000

The binaries are present in OUTPUT_DIR = <_workspace>/build/tmp/deploy/images/corstone1000-mps3 directory.

  1. Copy bl1.bin from OUTPUT_DIR to SOFTWARE directory of the Micro SD card.

  2. Copy corstone1000-image-corstone1000-mps3.wic from OUTPUT_DIR directory to SOFTWARE directory of the Micro SD card and rename the wic image to cs1000.bin.

  3. Copy es_flashfw.bin from OUTPUT_DIR directory to SOFTWARE directory of the Micro SD card and rename to es0.bin.

NOTE: Renaming of the images are required because MCC firmware has limitation of 8 characters before .(dot) and 3 characters after .(dot).

Prepare the distro image for FPGA (USB image)

Use the lsblk command to determine USB drive and bmap tool to copy the cassini distro to it.

sudo bmaptool copy --bmap cassini-image-base-corstone1000-mps3.wic.bmap cassini-image-base-corstone1000-mps3.wic /dev/<usb drive>

Running the software on FPGA

Insert SD card and USB drive before switching ON the device.

On the host machine, connect the board via USB.

If there are no other TTY USB devices, then the three ports from the MPS3 will be connected as follows:

  • ttyUSB0 for MCC, OP-TEE and Secure Partition

  • ttyUSB1 for Boot Processor (Cortex-M0+)

  • ttyUSB2 for Host Processor (Cortex-A35)

The rest of this guide assumes there are no other TTY USB devices on the host machine.

Connect to the serial console(s) using any terminal client (picocom, minicom, or screen should all work).

For example, run the following commands to open new picocom sessions for each port:

sudo picocom -b 115200 /dev/ttyUSB0
sudo picocom -b 115200 /dev/ttyUSB1
sudo picocom -b 115200 /dev/ttyUSB2


sudo should not be required if the current user is in the dialout group